Monday, May 11, 2009

How To Use Yahoo! Answers To Dominate Your Niche Market

It seems that no matter how hard the successful internet marketer works their tail off, learning and mastering new skills, niche internet marketing (especially affiliate marketing) is one tough gig. As the old adage goes though, knowledge is power. If you are looking to get an edge on the ever increasing competition in your niche area of expertise, and in turn make more money online, you might want to consider becoming a regular, frequent contributor to Yahoo! Answers.

Let's face it guys, the global economy is in the toilet. Is it any wonder so many people are turning to the awesome power of the internet, in order to make ends meet? Not only do we (internet marketers) have to compete with aspiring internet entrepreneurs of all shapes and sizes, but we must now also consider the unsuccessful job hunter, the laid off factory worker, the disgruntled bank teller, the ambitious housewife, etc. - all of whom are taking the plunge into internet entrepreneurship and online money making endeavors at a breakneck pace. In this uncertain economy, building an online business requires every tool at your disposal.


Openings at $75K to $500K+

If you plan to utilize Yahoo! Answers to your inevitable financial advantage, do not make the common mistake made by so many over-eager internet marketers. You must not sign into your Yahoo Account, hop over to Yahoo! Answers, answer a question or two, then begin promoting affiliate offers left and right. If you do that, you are going to be blackballed by the community right out of the gate.

In order to use Yahoo! Answers to your traffic boosting advantage, simply follow these four basic steps:

1. Use the Advanced search feature to find topics that have more that 1200 questions to answer.

2. For the first 10 questions answered use short and to the point answers, preferably a couple of lines.

3. On your 11th question, make sure that you give an answer that is more in depth, this is where you can and should answer a question related to your product or service, and leave your website back link or ad.

Hint: The best products to affiliate/promote through Yahoo! Answers are definitely CPA (Cost-Per-Action) programs. You can literally make a fortune from scratch if you do this right!

Here's how the "Big Guns" are currently doing it with CPA programs.

4. Simply rinse and repeat.

Use this strategy diligently and delicately, and you will be on your way to building trust and rapport within the entire Yahoo user community. In the long run, this relationship building will pay off, helping you to make more money online.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work. That works perfectly. You can also use that on Myspace when people post in the forums as well. Keep it up :)


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